Chris nearly gave me a heart attack during this booking process! Let me tell you:
Caroline reached out to book their maternity. I had a last-minute opening for that Saturday so it was perfect! Turns out, it was perfect for Caroline too! Except that her surprise baby shower was also this day!
Chris messaged asking for a new time and here I am confused because now I don't want Caroline to think I'm flakey for rescheduling (but hey, life happens), BUT she was great (and still stayed surprised) when we shifted our session to that Friday.
We had LOTS of laughs during this night and had so much fun renaming milkweeds to "milk duds". To be fair, it was right after Halloween and this is an odd name anyways!
Baby Boy is coming in January. I can't wait to see this little family grow! Thank you for trusting me with this beautiful milestone.
