The baby and only girl of the family is definitely deserving of a little one-on-one time with mama. Throw in these amazing outfits? We have magic.
The M Family joined me for their family session and at the end, we switched outfits and got little C to celebrate her 1st birthday!

Mom got lots of cuddles and love just as the sun was going down... so our golden light + cherry blossoms = .... this.

Chesney was so sweet to photograph! After being together for nearly an hour, I was sure she was totally over all of it, but mommy kisses definitely helped!
We got set up for the cake smash, and this set up was simply so angelic and beautiful!

A birthday celebration isn't without its hurdles, however... check out the progression to tears!
Big bros and mommy joined in the yumminess....
And all was happy.
