If I told you we had to reschedule this session a thousand times due to.... the-disease-that-must-not-be-named, would you believe me? Probably. Because ya know, 2020.

This session was originally supposed to take place in early spring. After a series of reschedules... we made it to fall. By then, this little gang had gained a new family addition. A puppy!
This little guy added lots of extra playful opportunities during our session, and rightfully so!
Our 2 siblings were playful (and competitive), allowing for a session filled with natural and candid moments.
This cute little fluffy face was a favorite of "I want to hold him!", so we had to share a lot of shots... but I think we worked it out well, don't you think?
Taking a little puppy break, we got to focus on some family shots... including some one-on-one time with mom and dad.
Our beautiful Valley Forge backdrop offered the perfect transition from Summer to Fall to Winter.
We continued our playful images and finished off with some dancing between the kids and mom & dad.
To finish off our gorgeous session? Mom & Dad.
